3D Shape

3D Shape

This extension gives you the ability to insert 3D objects to your page with just a few mouse clicks. And although it is just an experiment from the WSYWIYG Web Builder lab, there are plenty of cool options for you to explore.

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Accessibility Tools

Accessibility Tools

The Accessibility Tools enhances your website's accessibility by introducing the capability to adjust font sizes, brightness, contrast, invert and grayscale. It displays an Accessibility icon at the top-right corner of the page and when clicked it will op...

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jQuery Accordion (DEPRECATED)

jQuery Accordion (DEPRECATED)

The Accordion extension implements the jQuery Accordion Widget so it can be easily used in WYSIWYG Web Builder.

To edit the content of the panels, this extension uses the HTML TextBox extension. This gives you full WYSIWYG control over the conte...

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Animated Heading

Animated Heading

The ‘Animated Heading’ extension is a simple text rotator/slider to create attention-grabbing headlines. The following animations are available: clip, drop, fade, flip, newspaper, rotate, scale and slide.

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Animated Shapes

Animated Shapes

Add animated shapes to the background of the page or a layer / layout grid.
Based on a CodePen by Enrico Toniato: https://codepen.io/enricotoniato/pen/dteFo

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Animated Text Cube

Animated Text Cube

This extension implements an animated 3d cube with text using CSS only (no JavaScript). The cube is responsive and can be used in flexible layouts and fixed layout with breakpoints. Each face of the cube can have different text. It’s also possible to se...

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Apex Chart (DEMO)

Apex Chart (DEMO)

Apex Charts is a modern charting library that helps developers to create beautiful and interactive visualizations for web pages (https://apexcharts.com/). Data can be loaded from different data sources (MYSQL, CSV, JSON, MDB).

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Before & after image

Before & after image

See the differences between two images

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Bing Maps

Bing Maps

This extension can be used to add Microsoft’s Bing Maps to your website.
To use Bing Maps on a website, you will first need to get a Bing Maps API key from the Bing Maps portal: https://www.bingmapsportal.com/

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Background Stretcher

Background Stretcher

This is a very simply extension that enables you to stretch a background image and fade it as the page is loaded. The speed can be set, once you choose an image.
In addition, it contains a code that hides address bar for iOS & Android, if the page is ...

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Chartist (DEMO)

Chartist (DEMO)

This extension uses the chartist Javascript library to create scalable and good looking charts using SVG. It’s a self-contained script so it does not depend on external services. The data for the charts can be loaded from different data sources (MYSQL, ...

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chart.js (DEMO)

chart.js (DEMO)

chart.js is a Javascript library that allows designers and developers to draw all kinds of charts using the HTML5 canvas element. For example, line charts, area charts, bar charts, pie charts etc. It’s a self-contained script so it does not depend on ex...

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Circle Progressbar

Circle Progressbar

The Circle Progressbar extension displays an animated round progress bar using CSS3.
The progress bar can be used for example, to display sales statistics or skills.

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Clip Text

Clip Text

This experimental extension implements background clip for text. Also known as ‘knockout text’.
Clip Text uses the non-standardized ‘-webkit-background-clip: text’ property. Although it seems to work with all modern browsers (not IE!). The ext...

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Cookie Bar

Cookie Bar

Cookie Bar creates a small bar at the top or bottom of the website with a short message about cookies and accept, decline, and privacy policy buttons. This extension is based on a script by PrimeBox: https://www.primebox.co.uk/projects/jquery-cookiebar

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Cookie Bubble

Cookie Bubble

Cookie Bubble displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Message.
This extension is a wrapper for the Cookie Bubble plugin by João Pereira: https://github.com/CookieBubble/jquery-cookie-bubble

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Cookie Consent

Cookie Consent

Cookie Consent displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Message.
This extension is a wrapper for the Cookie Consent JavaScript by Osano: https://github.com/osano/cookieconsent

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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

As of May 26, 2012 every Website available to European visitors and owned by European companies must follow the EU E-Privacy Directive passed in 2011.
This means sites must notify users that tracking technology is being used, the reason for that tec...

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PHP Hit Counter

PHP Hit Counter

This extension provides an easy way to add a simple hit counter to web pages. This solution uses PHP to update a counter value in a file on the server. For each page view, the value in the counter file will be increased.

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CSS Ribbon

CSS Ribbon

This extension introduces an easy way to create a ribbon-like header for your website. It uses CSS for all styling (no images). You can also specify which header tags (H1, H2, H3 ..,) will be used for the text.

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Dark Mode

Dark Mode

Dark mode has gained a lot of traction recently. For example, Apple has added dark mode to its iOS and MacOS operating systems. Windows and Google have done the same. With the Dark Mode extension, you can add Dark Mode / Night Mode to your website.

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jQuery Dialog (DEPRECATED)

jQuery Dialog (DEPRECATED)

The Dialog extension implements the jQuery Dialog Widget so it can be easily used in WYSIWYG Web Builder. A dialog is a floating window that contains a title bar and a content area. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon by d...

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DuckDuckGo Search

DuckDuckGo Search

Make your website searchable with this search form powered by DuckDuckGo.
DuckDuckGo is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.

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Easy Pie Chart

Easy Pie Chart

Render simple, animated pie charts. Based on a script by Robert Fleischmann.

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PHP File Listing

PHP File Listing

The PHP File Listing extension generates a listing of the contents of a specified directory on your web site. Let's say for example you have a directory on your web site with MP3 files then this extension will automatically scan this folder and display th...

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File Publisher Plus

File Publisher Plus

This extension is an advanced version of the standard File Publisher object in WYSIWYG Web Builder. The main difference is that now you can upload complete folder structures.

The File Publisher Plus extension automatically uploads the specified f...

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Add fireworks effects to your website.
This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Judith Neumann: https://codepen.io/judag/pen/XmXMOL

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Fireworks and Stars

Fireworks and Stars

Add animated fireworks to your website with twinkling stars in the background.
This extension is a wrapper for a script by HTML5 Canvas Tutorials: https://www.html5canvastutorials.com/advanced/html5-canvas-fireworks-effect/

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This extension is a wrapper for the jQuery plugin FitText by Dave Rupert: http://fittextjs.com/
FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this extension on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent elem...

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Featured Image Zoomer

Featured Image Zoomer

This extension lets you view a magnified portion of any image upon moving your mouse over it. A magnifying glass appears alongside the image displaying the magnified area on demand.

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Flexible Text

Flexible Text

This extension was inspired by FitText: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/fittext.html
Just like FitText, this extension makes font-sizes flexible. However, this one does not use JavaScript. It is a pure CSS solution based and uses the vw unit for the ...

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Flip Clock

Flip Clock

A flip clock style countdown timer that displays the remaining time (in seconds, minutes, hours, days) with a retro flip animation based on CSS3.

This extension is based on a script by Babak-Gholamzadeh: https://github.com/Babak-Gholamzadeh/flip-...

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Font Size

Font Size

The Font Size Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder enhances your website's accessibility by introducing the capability to adjust font sizes with ease. It integrates two buttons, 'Bigger' and 'Smaller,' onto your page, empowering users to control the font siz...

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geoPlugin Events

geoPlugin Events

This extension utilizes the geoPlugin service (https://www.geoplugin.com), to initiate actions based on the IP geolocation of website visitors. In practical terms, it allows you to customize how your webpage behaves for users from different countries. For...

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Glass Button

Glass Button

The Glass Button extension gives WYSIWYG Web Builder users an easy way to add trendy glass buttons to their website. The Glass Button has two states: normal and rollover to which you can assign different colors. This extension also support links (website,...

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Google Search

Google Search

This is a set of two extensions to add Google Search to your website. The extensions use the Google Programmable Search API.
Google Search – Searchbox, renders a input field where users can type the search query. Google Search – Results, renders t...

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Google Charts (DEMO)

Google Charts (DEMO)

Add Google Charts to your website. Google Charts provides a wide variety of charts. For example, line charts, area charts, bar charts, pie charts and so on. Google Charts is a free service. The chart script library is hosted by Google and the data (MYSQL,...

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Google Geo Chart (DEMO)

Google Geo Chart (DEMO)

Google Geo Chart is a visualization tool provided by Google Charts.
The Geo Chart specifically is designed to display geographical data on a map. It allows users to visualize data by region, such as countries, regions within a country, or even specifi...

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Google Maps

Google Maps

This extension can be used to add Google Maps to your website. To use Google Maps on a website, you will first need to get a Google Maps API key from the Google Cloud Console. https://developers.google.com/maps/get-started

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Google Maps API v3 (DEPRECATED)

Google Maps API v3 (DEPRECATED)

Google Map API v3 displays a google map of any location that you wish to be used on you webpage.22/04/11

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Google Text

Google Text

The Google Text extension let's you easily create logo's just like the one on www.google.com!
Note: Google used a commercial font for it's logo which is called 'Catull', so unfortunately it is not installed on your PC by default. You can however use a...

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Google Translate

Google Translate

Adds the Google Translate widget to quickly translate the page into more than 50 languages. It is possible to specify the language to include in the list, the layout (translate widget: horizontal, vertical, simple/no text) and style (color, font, padding)...

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Halo Text

Halo Text

The Halo text extension adds text with the halo effect to your web page.
Create cool looking banners with an electric glow or halo around effect around the text.

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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Add an animated “Happy Birthday” message with balloons to your website. With customizable text, font and background.
This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Matei Copot: https://codepen.io/towc/pen/LGMGQG

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Add an animated “Happy New Year” message with fireworks to your website. With customizable text, font and background.

This extension is a wrapper for a Codepen By Stranger in the Q: https://codepen.io/strangerintheq/pen/Exaovjz

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highlight.js is a popular client-side syntax highlighter that supports a broad range of languages: https://highlightjs.org/
This extension makes it easy to add highlight.js to your website, it supports many themes and includes support for most common...

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Hover Tilt Plus

Hover Tilt Plus

This extension adds a 3D parallax effect to one or multiple objects. When you hover over the object, it will tilt according to the mouse direction.

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The HTML Art extension converts an image to HTML. The pixels of the input image will be analyzed and transformed into colored text/HTML. And although it serves no purpose, it just looks cool.

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HTML TextBox

HTML TextBox

The HTML Text extension was designed as an alternative for the standard text object in WYSIWYG Web Builder. Although the standard text object is good enough for most text operations, sometimes web designers want their text formatted like in a word-process...

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iFrame Resizer

iFrame Resizer

This extension is based on a script by David J. Bradshaw: https://github.com/davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer

iFrame Resizer automatically resizes the height and width of iFrames to fit their contained content.

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Image Fader/Highlighter

Image Fader/Highlighter

A set of two extensions that enable an image to be faded in/out or highlighted on mouse rollover without the need to create two images.

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Image Power Zoomer

Image Power Zoomer

This extension gives any image on your page the ability to be magnified when the mouse rolls over it.

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jqPlot (DEMO)

jqPlot (DEMO)

jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features. This extension helps you to add jqPlot charts to your website within writing any code!
The data for th...

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jQuery Blur

jQuery Blur

This extension is based on blur.js. blur.js is a jQuery plugin that produces psuedo-transparent blurred elements over other elements. Check out the website for more details: http://www.blurjs.com/

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jQuery FAQ

jQuery FAQ

This extension provides an easy way to create a simple Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Basically this creates a list of items which the user can expand/collapse by clicking on the 'question'. This can be useful for FAQs, a list of events with event...

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jQuery Filterable

jQuery Filterable

jQuery Filterable is a script that allows you to filter the children of an element. It can work in combination with a standard input fields like an editbox or combobox (select). This extension can be useful if you want make it possible to filter items on ...

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jQuery Masonry

jQuery Masonry

The jQuery Masonry extension makes it possible to create (grid) layouts that adapt to the screen size dynamically (responsive layout). This is a wrapper for David DeSandro's Masonry jQuery plug-in, but it has been optimized to work with WWB.
Check o...

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jQuery Shadow

jQuery Shadow

The jQuery Shadow extension is a simple way to add cool shadow effects to objects without using images.
This extension is a wrapper for the jQuery Shadow plugin by Syd Lawrence: https://github.com/sydlawrence/jQuery-Shadow

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jQuery Toolkit

jQuery Toolkit

With the jQuery UI Toolkit extension you can add powerful jQuery UI features to your website with just a few mouse clicks! This extension is nothing more than a wrapper around the standard features of jQuery UI. But instead of having to write the code you...

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Leaflet Maps

Leaflet Maps

Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for (mobile-friendly) interactive maps (https://leafletjs.com/)

This extension is a simplified version of the OpenStreetMap extension.It only includes maps that do not require an API key and i...

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Apply animated, visual effects to text. This extension is based on jquery-letterfx.js by TuxSudo: http://tuxsudo.com/code/project/letterfx

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lifeisliberty IP logger

lifeisliberty IP logger

This extension is used to log ip address and other information about a visitor on your website. The informations this extension Logs are : IP Address, Operation System, Browser, Date, Time.

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lifeisliberty IP logger ver2.0

lifeisliberty IP logger ver2.0

This extension is used to log ip address and other information about a visitor on your website. The
information's this extension Logs are : IP Address, Operation System, Browser, Date, Time.
There is an option included to password protect the lo...

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This extension can display a (semitransparent) overlay with a CSS based animation when the website loading is in progress. It will disappear right after the page loads. Based on loaders.css by Connor Atherton (https://github.com/ConnorAtherton/loaders.css...

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With the Logo extension, you can create professional looking logos with only a few mouse clicks.
The possiblities are endless, let your creativity go wild and create high quality logos with gradients, textures, anti alias, transparency, shadows, hatch...

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The Matrix

The Matrix

This extension implements a rain animation inspired by the movie "The Matrix".

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NiceScroll makes it possible to customize the scrollbars of your website with the look and feel of iPhone/iPad scrollbars. This extension is a wrapper for the NiceScroll jQuery plugin by InuYaksa: https://github.com/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll

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Odometer is a Javascript and CSS library for smoothly transitioning numbers.
This extension is based on odometer.js by HubSpot: https://github.hubspot.com/odometer/

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With the OpenStreetMap extension you can easily integrate free maps powered by https://openstreetmap.org/ into your projects.

• Support for many map tile providers like OpenStreetMap, Thunderforest, Stamen, Esri
• 100 map variants!

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Pace is an automatic page load progress bar. Pace will automatically monitor your ajax requests, event loop lag, document ready state, and elements on your page to decide the progress. Pace includes 14 animated themes to choose from!

This extensi...

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Particles.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.
It can be used, for example, to create fancy animated backgrounds for headers, layers etc.

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Party Text

Party Text

This extension is just another way for creating fun logos. The characters of the text will each be rendered with a different angle and color. Each character can have a different (random) font. You can also add a 3D effect to the text.

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A lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
Based on a script by Philip Hutchison: https://pdfobject.com/

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PHP Charts (DEMO)

PHP Charts (DEMO)

This is a lightweight PHP-based solution to create basic charts for incorporation into a website. This extension uses PHPGraphLib by Elliott Brueggeman to generate the images (https://github.com/elliottb/phpgraphlib).

• Bar, line, stacked bar, ...

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Note: This extension is only useful for WYSIWYG Web Builder 9.0 and newer!

PNG Fix enables a fix for common problems with transparent PNG images Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6. PNG fix allows IE to properly render PNG alpha transparency.


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Pop Art

Pop Art

This extension simulates the Pop Art silkscreen effect as made famous by Andy Warhol. It uses the color scheme used in one of the most well known works of Andy Warhol: Che Guevara (1962).

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jQuery Portlets (DEPRECATED)

jQuery Portlets (DEPRECATED)

With this extension you can create your own iGoogle or Netvibes website...
Portlets are containers for information. They may hold RSS feeds; News; Twitter feeds; Weather Reports, or simply contain text, images or other HTML. Virtually any type of inf...

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Preloading Screen

Preloading Screen

Preloading screen with CSS animations. Based on a script by Petr Tichy.

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Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. This extension has support for the following languages: applescript, c, coffeescript, cpp, cs, csharp, css, html, java, javascript, perl, php, python, ruby, sa...

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Ransom Note

Ransom Note

This extension creates a 'ransom note' image based on the specified text. Each character of the text uses a different (random) font so that it appears to be cut out from various newspapers and magazines just like ransom notes on an old TV series.

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Responsive Data Table (DEMO)

Responsive Data Table (DEMO)

The responsive data table extension attempts to solve a common problem with HTML tables: they do not adapt very well on smaller screens.
This extension supports 3 methods to optimize the data for smaller screens.

Hide columns - Hides less im...

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Secure FTP (DEMO)

Secure FTP (DEMO)

This WYSIWYG Web Builder extension adds the ability to publish web sites using Secure FTP and FTPS.

The following protocols are supported:
• FTP with TLS/SSL (Port 990 - Implicit)
• FTP with TLS/SSL (AUTH TLS - Explicit)
• SFTP ...

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Shaped Text (DEPRECATED)

Shaped Text (DEPRECATED)

This (experimental) extension helps you get creative with text! Display text in more than 150 different shapes!

- Display text in different shapes (ellipse, ring, hexagon, heart, arrows, stars etc)
- Configurable font, tex...

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Add falling snow to your pages. The Snowfall extension is based on Andrew Hushbeck’s snowfall.js script: http://itsablizzardoutthere.com/

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Snowfall 3D

Snowfall 3D

Snowfall 3D can be used as background for web pages. It uses three.js to implement a 3D snow effect with a background texture. This extension is based on a Codepen by Liam Egan. https://codepen.io/shubniggurath/pen/WgJZJo

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Spell Checker (DEPRECATED)

Spell Checker (DEPRECATED)

The Spell Checker extension adds spell-checker capability to WYSIWYG Web Builder. The spell checker's user interface is based on the spell checker of Microsoft Office products, so if you are familiar with these products you will find your way around its o...

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Store Locator

Store Locator

The Google Maps Store Locator is a tool that allows users to search for physical retail locations of a particular business or brand on an interactive map. The purpose of a store locator is to make it easier for customers to find a physical location where ...

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jQuery Tabs (DEPRECATED)

jQuery Tabs (DEPRECATED)

The Tabs extension implements the jQuery Tabs Widget so it can be easily used in WYSIWYG Web Builder. Tabs are generally used to break content into multiple sections that can be swapped to save space on the web page.

To edit the content of the ta...

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jQuery UI Theme Switcher (DEPRECATED)

jQuery UI Theme Switcher (DEPRECATED)

The jQuery UI Theme Switcher Widget is a drop-menu-type theme selector which allows you to easily switch the theme of all jQuery UI objects on a page from one theme to another. This works for all objects/extensions using Theme Roller themes.

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Time Circles

Time Circles

The Time Circles extension is based on a script by Wim Barelds: https://github.com/wimbarelds/TimeCircles
TimeCircles provides a nice-looking way to either count down towards, or to count up from a certain time.

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Toast UI Chart (DEMO)

Toast UI Chart (DEMO)

Toast UI Chart is a third party Javascript library (https://github.com/nhn/tui.chart) that allows designers and developers to draw all kinds of charts. For example, line charts, area charts, bar charts, pie charts etc. It’s a self-contained script so it...

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Treemap Chart (DEMO)

Treemap Chart (DEMO)

A treemap chart is a data visualization technique that displays hierarchical data in a nested rectangle-based layout. In a treemap, each rectangle represents a hierarchical category, and the size of the rectangle corresponds to a quantitative value, such ...

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An animated typing effect. Reveals text through an typing animation.
This extension is based on s script by Woolly Mittens: https://github.com/WoollyMittens/useful-typeout

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This extension is based on vivus.js, a script created by Maxwell Ito: http://maxwellito.github.io/vivus/

Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript that allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearance of being drawn.
There are a variety of dif...

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